International artist Shira Barzilay, also known as social media sensation Koketit, is best know for her abstract line drawings with a sensual feminine twist. With more than 188K loyal fans following the @Koketit Instagram account, Shira adorns the images which inspire her daily with her own signature strokes, utilizing the digital world as a canvas for all to ‘like’ and admire.
Her strong fashion background coupled with a deep passion for art has cultivated her unique perspective, manifesting itself across volumes of art and creative collaborations, She may often be found creating on-the-spot iPad Pro-powered portraits of attending guests at high-profile functions and events, as well as single-handedly orchestrating live animation art installations.
Her signature style and innovative vision have captured the imagination of brands such as Chanel, Anthropologie, Facebook, H&M, SunCoo Paris, Soda Stream and Amazon, to name just a few. Her works are frequently featured in both on and offline magazine publications, most recently in Harper’s Bazaar.